Honey of a thousand flowers or wildflower is a natural product that has been elaborated in the stomach of honeybees from the nectar of any flower and honeydew of trees. ¡Top quality honeys that will help you to strengthen your health!.
- Multi-flower honey Apícola Moreno 1 Kg9.90 €Raw multi-flower or multi-flower honey 1. Pure multi-flower honey of Apícola Moreno 1 Kg Multifloral honey has an amber to brown color, but it will depend on the type of flowers or myelates, so it can take very light to very dark colors. a) Ingredients Made with pure multi-flower honey. b) New Harvest Multi-flower honey […]
- Organic multifloral honey Rancho Cortesano 1 Kg13.50 €Raw multi-flower or multi-flower organic honey 1. Pure multifloral organic honey of Rancho Cortesano 1 Kg Multifloral honey has an amber to brown color, but it will depend on the type of flowers or myelates, so it can take very light to very dark colors. a) Ingredients MAde with organic raw honey b) New Harvest […]
- Organic Multi-flower Honey Rancho Cortesano 500 g8.90 €Raw multi-flower or multi-flower organic honey 1. Pure organic multifloral honey of Rancho Cortesano 500 g Multifloral honey has an amber to brown color, but it will depend on the type of flowers or myelates, so it can take very light to very dark colors. a) Ingredients Made with organic raw wildflower honey b) New […]
- Honey in honeycomb Cortesano 200 g8.90 €Organic wildflower honey. 1. Pure wildflower honey in honeycomb of Rancho Cortesano Organic multi-flower honeycomb, as its name suggests, is enclosed within the cells of the honeycomb. Therefore, when the honeycomb is chewed, the honey will come out. Once ingested the honey, we recommend to expel it. However, this is up to you. a)Ingredients Honeycomb […]
- Multifloral honey Apícola Moreno 500 g5.90 €Raw multi-flower or multi-flower honey 1. Pure multifloral honey of Apícola Moreno: Multifloral honey has an amber to brown color, but it will depend on the type of flowers or myelates, so it can take very light to very dark colors. a) Ingredients Made with 100 % raw multifrola honey. b) New Harvest Multi-flower honey […]
- Multi-flower honey from Tenerife Rika 330 g16.50 €Raw honey from tajinaste with the Teide Denomination of Origin, Tenerife. 1. Pure multi-flower honey from Tenerife The multi-flower honey of the Teide is a light amber coloured honey, although this will depend on the type of flowers or myelates from which the honey comes, being able to take very light to very dark colours. […]
- Multi-flower honey DO La Alcarria 500 g6.90 €Raw multifloral or wildflower honey 1. Pure multifloral honey from La Alcarria Multifloral honey has an amber to brown color, but it will depend on the type of flowers or myelates, so it can take very light to very dark colors. a) Ingredients Made with mutifloral honey with Certification of Origin. b) New Harvest Multi-flower […]
- Multi-flower honey Las Obreras de Aliste1 kg15.90 €Raw multi-flower 1. Characteristics of multifloral honey of Obreras de Aliste 1 Kg Multifloral honey has an amber to brown color, but it will depend on the type of flowers or myelates, so it can take very light to very dark colors. Produced in the Iberian Plateau Transboundary Biosphere Reserve a) Shelf beekeeping: The bees […]
- Multifloral honey Rancho Cortesano 1 kg10.90 €Raw wildflower or multifloral honey 1. Pure multifloral honey of Rancho Cortesano: Multifloral honey has an amber to brown color, but it will depend on the type of flowers or myelates, so it can take very light to very dark colors. a) Ingredients Made with multifloral honey b) New Harvest Multi-flower honey is harvested throughout […]
- Multiflower honey Rancho Cortesano 2 Kg17.90 €Raw multi-flower or multi-flower honey 1. Pure wildflower honey from Rancho Cortesano 2 Kg Plastic jar of wildflowers honey from a local beekeeper. a) Ingredients Made with raw multiloral honey b) New Harvest Multi-flower honey is harvested throughout the year from the bees, from spring to autumn. c) A gentle aroma The honey of thousand […]
- Multi-flower honey Rio Dulce 250 g6.90 €Raw multi-flower or multi-flower honey 1. Pure multifloral honey Of Rio Dulce Multifloral honey has an amber to brown color, but it will depend on the type of flowers or myelates, so it can take very light to very dark colors. a) Ingredients Made with high quality aw wildflower honey. b) A delicious aroma The […]
- Multi-flower honey Rio Dulce 500 g10.90 €Raw multi-flower or multi-flower honey 1. Pure multifloral honey of Rio Dulce 500 g Multifloral honey has an amber to brown color, but it will depend on the type of flowers or myelates, so it can take very light to very dark colors. a) Ingredients Made widh raw multifloral honey b) An aromatic and persistent […]
Selection of multi-flower or wildflowers honey of the highest quality from Spanish local beekeepers who use sustainable practices.
Summary: Wildflower honeys have a varied and not predominant floral source. Therefore, their aroma and taste varies in each jar. Nevertheless, they are high-quality honeys from Spanish beekeepers. They are also available for sale in your shop in Las Rozas de Madrid.
Related articles: Where to buy pure and raw quality honey. The 5 best honeys. Unpasteurised raw honey.
1. Our raw wildflower honey
Firstly, we show you the most important characteristics of wildflower honey of a thousand flowers, wildflowers or multiflowers:
a) Color
First of all, the raw wildflower honey vary in color and taste. This variation depends on its sources of flowers, shrubs and trees chosen by bees. The color of honey is lighter when it comes from flower nectar and darker when it comes from myelates of trees.
Furthermore, you can find the following color in the wildflower honeys.
Photo 1: Colour range of raw wildflower honey.
b) Aroma
The aroma of this honey stands out for its powerful and forceful taste with floral notes. When savouring these types of honey, it produces sweet sensations with light acid or salty notes.
However, each honey will be different depending on the season.
Video 1: Forests and meadows of Spain
c) Not blended
Our honeys come from a unique beekeepers. Our beekeepers do not blend thir honey with other honeys.
d) Flowering and harvesting
Therefore, this honey comes from a veriety of nectar flowers, so it can be called polyfloral. For this reason, wilflowers honey is collected throughout all flowering period, from spring to autumn.
Our honey of a thousand flowers has nothing to do with honey from big supermarkets like Tesco, Wallmart, etc. Our honey is a real raw honey with delicious flavor and aroma. Honeys from local beekeepers who use sustainable beekeeping practices.
Video 2: Our thousand-flower honeys
e) Differences between wildflower and mountain honey
Thousand flower honey is harvested in June and July. Unlike the mountain honeys that are harvested in later months. Montain honeys can have very dark colors but their taste, aroma and characteristics are different.
Multi-flower honey comes mostly from flower nectars. In contrast, the secretions of trees and shrubs are the primary source of mountain honey, which has a high mineral content.
Photo 2: Wild flowers
The same colour in multi-flower honeys is due to the nectars and pollen of the flowers collected by bees. The chestnut and blackberry give very dark tones to the honeys.
Another characteristic that differentiates the wild flower honeys from the mountain honeys is their electrical conductivity. The higher the electrical conductivity, the higher the mineral content and the less sweet. The mountain has an electrical conductivity always much higher than wildflower honey.
f) Types of mutifloral honeys
Due to the wide variety of melliferous flowers found in Spain, there is a large variety of multi-flower honeys available there. Because of this, the local Spanish beekeepers sell a wide range of wildflower honeys, some very pale and others very dark in color.
g) Preferred consumption
After two years, it should not exceed 40 mg/Kg MHF.
Photo 3: Wildflowers ins Madrid
h) Ecological or conventional
In our shop we offer both organic and conventional wild flower honey. We can guarantee that every one of our honey is authentic.
i) Sustainable and respectful beekeeping practices
Also. all the beekeepers care very much bees and use sustainable and respectful beekeeping practices.
In addition, honey is a nature’s gift to us and no harm is made to bees and nature.
2. Benefits and properties
The honey of a thousand flowers is a natural product that bring benefits to our health. Benefits that have been taken advantage of hundreds of generations. These benefits are due to two fundamental reasons.
Firstly, honey has a high sugar content and enzymes. Secondly, it has many beneficial components from the nectar of the various flowers and myelates of the trees.
Photo 4: Daisies
Although these effects are not patented that brings us the honey. We can say the following following following references from researchers and popular culture:
a) Constipation and sore throat.
According to these sources, any type of quality honey helps against these discomforts.
b) Wound healing
Traditionally and in my experience, this honey helps the healing of wounds without leaving a mark.
c) Other properties
However, the honey of a thousand flowers not having a constant composition, we can not indicate specific characteristics. Since they are going to depend on the type of floras the contributions that us of this honey.
What is clear is that honey is a natural product. As a natural product, it will always be one of the healthiest sweeteners we have.
3. Pairing
Wildflower honey is ideal for just anything!.. Add just it to your tea or coffee and drizzled over toast. Also, it is a healthy substitute for syrup or sugar.
Toast, infusions and with coffee.
The great chefs usually use wildflowers honey to combine with cured cheeses, fruits such as bananas and as an ingredient in the preparation of ice cream.
In short, a honey as good as the rest and ideal for all uses as a sugar substitute.
4. Indications
Honey of a thousand flowers usually crystallizes quickly, but this depends mainly on its floral sources and amount of minerals. If the honey is darker, it will crystallize slowly and pale honey cristalizes quickly.
a) Destination population
Furthermore, the multy flower flowers is very popular and demanded. Although, you should not feed honey to infants under 1 year old without medical advise.
5. Origin
We have visited all our beekeepers in order to ensure the quality of our selected honey. Of all the beekeepers produce only multy-flowers honey of high-quality. Also, they are involved in all steps from harvesting to bottling.
Beekeeper |
Location |
Characteristics |
Antonio Simón | Madrid | Organic |
Apícola Moreno | Guadalajara | No organic |
Las Obreras de Aliste | Zamora | No organic |
Rancho Cortesano | Cádiz | Organic and no organic |
Valderromero | La Alcarria | Denomination of origin |
Table 1: Our local beekeepers from Spain.
Next we show you a video of the apiary of the Obreras de Aliste
Video 3: Zamora’s field
6. FAQ
In addition, we show you frequently asked questions:
a) Why is the honey of a thousand flowers the cheapest?
Many people have also asked me this question, suspecting that this honey could be of lower quality than the rest. However, this honey is of the same quality. The reasons why these honeys are sold at a lower price are the following:
- Honey that is more abundant and produced in greater quantities will always be less expensive.
- Reduced margins:: It is also completely accurate that when demand increases, we reduce the price of the good, making it significantly less expensive than the others.
Photo 5: Flowers
b) Is it worse or better honey than others?
There is a misconception that lower-priced honey is of lower quality. But this is untrue; wildflower honey is just as high-quality as honey from a single flower.
c) Is thousand-flower honey the same as bee honey?
There are several names for bee honey. Thousand-flower honey would be a variety of honey. A thousand-flower man that it is sourced from many flowers.
d) Why are there jars with different colours?
We only offer pure honey that hasn’t been altered in any way. Furthermore, each jar of honey will have a unique color and flavor variability in the beehive’s year and season.
e) What is the texture of these multi-flower honeys?
The texture of each multi-flower honey is different. In my experience, those from Rancho Cortesano have a very pleasant texture. The rest are sometimes liquid or sometimes solid, but without a creamy texture.
f) Is it pure bee honey?
Honey should refer only to the product made by bees from the nectar flowers or mielatos. However, many other qualifiers are added to differentiate it from manipulated honeys and other substitutes. Therefore, we could call this honey pure bee honey.
In short, all we offer onlye raw or pure honey of the highest quality.
g) Does thousand-blossom honey expire?
All honeys, as well as multi-flower honeys, do not expire, but rather have a date of consumption that comes from. The best-before date is the date from which the honey may lose some of its properties. However, honeys have been found in the pyramids of Egypt that are thousands of years old and were in perfect condition. Therefore, if the honey is well preserved, nothing happens to it that has exceeded its best-before date.
Photo 6: Operculated honeycomb
h) Is it worth paying a little more for an artisan honey or is it the same as buying it from Amazon, Mercadona, el Corte Inglés or Carrefour?
We guarantee that the honey we sell is Spanish honey of the highest quality. We have visited all our beekeepers to be sure that they provide us with quality honey without any additives or pasteurization.
i) Differences between multi-flower and single-flower honey
While multi-flower honey is mainly obtained from a variety of floral sources, single-flower honey is from one kind of flower.
j) Do you sell it in bulk?
We can supply it in 5 kg plastic jars.
7. More information
We also leave you the limit parameters of wildflowers honey.
Datos químicos y físicos |
Color (mm Pfund) | Between 35 and 114 |
Humidity (%) | Maximum 18.5 |
Fructose + glucose | Minimum 60 |
Sucrose | Maximum 5 |
Electrical conductivity (mS/cm) | Minimum 0.8 |
Free acidity (meq/kg) | Maximum 50 |
HMF (mg/Kg = ppm) | Maximum 40 |
Diastasases (Schade Units) | Minimum 8 or 3 is MF less than 15 ppm |
Table 1: Information about multiflower honey
In short, Spanish honeys that are cheaper but of the same quality as any other. Therefore, honeys for people who are looking for the best value for money.