Raw multi-flower or multi-flower organic honey
1. Pure multifloral organic honey of Rancho Cortesano 1 Kg
Multifloral honey has an amber to brown color, but it will depend on the type of flowers or myelates, so it can take very light to very dark colors.
a) Ingredients
MAde with organic raw honey
b) New Harvest
Multi-flower honey is harvested throughout the year from the bees, from spring to autumn.
c) Organic product
This honey has passed all the controls and criteria of organic beekeeping.
d) Maximum quality: 100% raw honey
This honey has not undergone any pasteurization process nor has any additive or substitute been added. Therefore, it is a raw honey of the highest quality
e) Traditional beekeepers
This honey comes from hives that have followed traditional beekeeping processes. Therefore, nature and bees are respected at all times.
f) Responsible and sustainable production:
We ensure the responsible and sustainable production of this organic raw honey from hive to bottle.
2. General information:
Zone: Spain
Quantity: 1 Kg
Production Company: Apícola Moreno
Origin of the company: Brihuega, Guadalajara
a) Nutritional information:
Value per 100 g
Energy value: 329 Kcal
Protein: 0.37 %.
Carbohydrates: 81.80 %.
Dietary fiber: 0.01 %
b) Additional information
The ecological multifloral honey is bottled in a glass jar that when crystallizing can take on the surface white colors due to its natural crystallization. In the winter months it is usually crystallized, because the colder it gets, the faster it crystallizes. If we want to make it liquid, we must put the honey in the bain-marie, and once liquid keep it in a warm place to delay its new crystallization, because being a raw or pure honey, as it is colloquially said, this tends to crystallization.
The honey is usually put two years of preferential consumption, but if well preserved, endures a lifetime.
Show reviews in all languages (19)
Desireé –
It was a great gift for my mom.
Wendy –
Love this honey, delicious for my breakfast.