midiendo la acidez del aceite de oliva

Acidity of olive oil

Acidity of olive oil is one of the parameters that measure the quality of olive oil, but it also depends on the variety of the olive and the place of origin. For this reason, it cannot base the quality of the oil solely on acidity. Prestigious…
aceite de oliva para elaborar recetas de cosmética natural

Natural cosmetics recipes with oil

Extra virgin olive oil, raw honey, royal jelly, propolis, aloe vera are fantastic ingredients to make natural cosmetics at home, but we do not always know how to use them and benefit from their magnificent properties. Here we are going to give…
Propiedades terapéuticas de los propóleo

Therapeutic properties of propolis

Propolis are resins of plants and trees collected by bees, to which they add their own secretions. The bees use propolis to cover holes in the hive, avoid vibrations, mummify intruders who entered the hive that cannot be expelled because of…
fantásticas propiedades del chocolate

Properties of chocolate: types and benefits

Chocolate is a delicious gourmet product that provides us with a large number of health benefits. Among the properties of chocolate that stand out are those related to strengthening our heart and the large amount of antioxidants it contains.…
Propiedades de los arándanos

Benefits of blueberries

Blueberries are a superfruit that has been in fashion for years and a true gourmet product. These fruits are very beneficial for our health and provide us with a large amount of nutrients. In addition, it is a very tasty fruit and has a lot…
Verdaderas propiedades del limón

Properties and benefits of lemon

Since ancient times are known the lemon properties being today an indispensable ingredient for a balanced and healthy diet. Therefore, if you are looking to improve your well-being and the health of your body, add a glass of lemon sweetened…
Foto de un atardecer en Cádiz

Photos of sunsets in Cádiz

Cadiz is a beautiful land, with a spectacular landscape, gastronomic and cultural culture. In Cadiz one cannot miss: its beaches, its sunsets and sunrises, the route of the white villages, the Roman ruins of Baelo Claudia, the shows with Andalusian…
fantásticas propiedades de las almendras y la miel

Properties and benefits of almonds

Nuts have been a staple ingredient since ancient times in cultures around the world. In Roman times, nuts were considered the food of the gods and their consumption was associated with good health and memory. Two thousand years later, scientific…
Plato de la dieta vegana

The vegan diet is healthy or not

More than 7 billion people live on planet Earth, a number that increases with each passing day. The natural resources we extract from the planet are greater than the earth itself can restore. The balance of nature's sustainability has been broken…
propiedades de las nueces

Properties of nuts

Walnuts, the fruit of the walnut tree, is a nut with enormous nutrients and beneficial properties for our health. Properties of walnuts that we are going to discover in this article and that will help you to eat walnuts more often. We will also…