Lemon Properties

Verdaderas propiedades del limón

Since ancient times are known the lemon properties being today an indispensable ingredient for a balanced and healthy diet. Therefore, if you are looking to improve your well-being and the health of your body, add a glass of lemon sweetened with pure honey to your breakfast every day.


  1. Lemon properties
  2. How to prepare it? Lemon juice on an empty stomach
  3. Lemon properties for skin and complexion
  4. Uses of lemon in the kitchen

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1. Lemon properties:

Lemon, a well known fruit, is rich in vitamin C, calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, enzymes, antioxidants and fibres, providing the following benefits according to scientific literature:

a) Improves digestion:

The stomach releases a series of acids (stomach acids) and enzymes in the process of digestion of food. Lemon, being a very acid fruit, acts together with stomach acids and favours the decomposition of food, helping its digestion.

As you can see yourself, if after a meal, especially if it has been abundant, take a lemon juice or lemon ice cream, you will appreciate a decrease in the heaviness of the stomach and an improvement in digestion.

b) Potentiator of the immune system:

The lemon is rich in vitamin C, which helps strengthen the immune system, fight colds and colds.

c) Improves iron absorption:

Vitamin C helps and improves iron absorption during digestion.

d) Hydration of the organism:

Lemon, with high water content and more if ingested in the form of lemonade, moisturizes and remineralizes our body, especially necessary in the summer months, when water and minerals are lost through sweat.

e) Source of energy:

Lemon provides us with sugars, vitamins and minerals, giving us energy for the proper functioning of vital organs and physical exercise during the day.

f) Delays the aging:

Lemon is rich in vitamin C and other antioxidants that neutralize the harmful effects of free radicals, delaying the aging of our body. Vitamin C also promotes the formation of collagen in the skin, keeping it elastic and avoiding the formation of wrinkles and spots typical of aging.

Vitamin C consumption has beneficial effects on skin cells and other studies have also shown that its consumption reduces the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays on the skin. However, it is not known with certainty how vitamin C acts in both processes.

g) Strengthens bones and cartilage:

According to numerous studies, lemon is essential for bones and cartilage.

h) Loss of weight:

According to nutritionists, the lemon contains a large amount of polyphenols, especially in your skin, which boost the genes that activate fat burning.

i) Bactericide and antiviral:

According to the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina, the lemon has bactericidal and antiviral properties. Lemon is acidic, and most bacteria do not grow in a low pH medium.

j) It refreshes the breath:

Thanks to the bactericidal power of lemon, drinking water with lemon would eliminate the bacteria that produce bad breath. However, we recommend that you do not put lemon directly on your teeth, as the citric acid in the lemon can damage the tooth enamel.

l) It strengthens the brain:

Lemon is rich in potassium and magnesium, two minerals necessary for the proper functioning of the brain and nervous system, avoiding depression and stress.

m) Anti-cancer properties:

The lemon contains a great amount of antioxidants and has a great alkaline power, protecting us against several types of cancer.

n) Purifying properties:

According to several investigations, water with lemon eliminates toxins from the body and blood, expelling them through the urine.

ñ) It prevents the formation of ranal stones:

Lemon is the fruit that contains the most citrate, which helps dissolve kidney stones. In addition, if it is taken with water, we will expel greater volume of urine, dragging more waste products and avoiding the formation of stones.

o) It prevents gout:

Gout is a disease caused by the accumulation of uric acid crystals, which, if not properly purified from the blood, adhere to the joints, become inflamed and cause gout disease.

Lemon has the ability to dissolve uric acid crystals before they deposit in joints.

Photo 1: Soap with extra virgin olive oil and lemon

2. How to prepare it? Fasting lemon juice

A lemon juice on an empty stomach is a refreshing and healthy drink that everyone should take in the morning and better if it is on an empty stomach. As we have seen before, lemon has many beneficial lemon properties for our body, and these will be enhanced if we take them in the morning on an empty stomach.

To prepare a delicious lemon juice, squeeze a whole lemon (medium if the lemon is large) in a glass, fill it up with water at room temperature. You can then sweeten it with a teaspoon of raw honey. Honey if the water is a little cold may take a while to dissolve, so there are people who slightly heat the water before mixing it with lemon.

As for honey, we recommend always using raw honey such as orange blossom, lavender or rosemary so that they do not take too much flavor away from the lemon juice. If you like honey, a dark honey; heather honey, thyme will also come out delicious juice.

3. Lemon properties for skin and complexion

Lemon is another fantastic natural product for the care of our skin, because if we use it in our daily cosmetic care will help purify our skin and delay the effects of aging.

If you want to use lemon as an anti-wrinkle cream we recommend mixing a few spoonfuls of extra virgin olive oil with a spoonful of lemon juice. You can also add a level spoon of raw honey to this mixture.

Although you don’t have time to make your own creams, we recommend the Castillo de Peñalver or Cosmética olivo cosmetic products, all of them natural and fantastic.

For more information on skin care we recommend you read Daily Skin Care

4. Uses of lemon in the kitchen

Lemon is a widely used food with very healthy properties for our health. It also has enormous uses in the kitchen as a disinfectant and in the elimination of bad smells. Among its most outstanding uses, we have the following:

a) Mosquito repellent

The mosquitoes that attack us at dusk or at night when we sleep. Their bites are very annoying, as the itching does not last for at least a day. However, with this fantastic remedy, we will be able to chase them away.

To do this, we need to squeeze lemon juice into small glasses and add a clove. These small glasses should be placed in various places in the house or room to repel mosquitoes.

b) Repel ants

Ants do not like the aroma or the acidity of the lemon, and that is what we can take advantage of. Consequently, squeeze a lemon and pour the juice over the areas you want to keep the ants away. This will scare them away and stop them from going where you don’t want them to go.

c) To remove fleas from dogs

To prepare this remedy you must boil water with lemon slices.



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