Properties of blueberries

Propiedades de los arándanos

Blueberries are a superfruit that has been in fashion for years and a true gourmet product. These fruits are very beneficial for our health and provide us with a large amount of nutrients. In addition, it is a very tasty fruit and has a lot of uses in the kitchen. It is a fruit that can be found in different forms, both fresh and dried. Here you can discover the properties of blueberries.


  1. What are blueberries?
  2. Blueberry properties and contraindications
  3. How to eat blueberries?
  4. How many calories are blueberries?

Sumary: In our Las Rozas shop in Madrid or online shop you can buy blueberries in two of our products: olives stuffed with blueberries and blueberry jam, two fantastic gourmet products.

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1. What are blueberries?

Blueberries are a fruit with enormous health benefits. Although blueberries are considered a “super fruit”, there is still a lot of research to be done to know with real certainty all the properties that are being attributed to them. Let’s take a look at the properties of blueberries and why we should eat them regularly.

The blueberry is a woody plant or shrub native to North America. This shrub can reach a size of up to 1.2 metres and is found in cold, humid areas and in areas with acidic soils. There are different varieties of blueberry, which produce blue or red sweet and sour fruits, all of which are rich in antioxidants, vitamin C, flavonoids, iron, magnesium and trace elements.

2. Properties of blueberries and its contraindications:

Below are the properties that are scientifically proven.

a) Anti-aging properties:

Blueberries are rich in flavonoids and vitamin C; both are antioxidants that slow down the aging of our body.

b) Antibacterial properties:

Cranberries contain proanthocyanidin type A, which kills bacteria such as E. Coli in the intestine and prevents it from adhering to the bladder wall. At the same time, being a natural product, it has no side effects.

c) Memory and Alzheimer’s:

According to new research conducted in animals and humans, consumption of blueberries would have positive effects against Alzheimer’s disease, improving memory and cognitive functions of people suffering from the disease. These beneficial properties of blueberries are due to a flavonoid called anthocyanin, which gives the typical color to blueberries.

d) Anti-inflammatory properties:

Both blueberries and cranberries contain anthocyanins, a bioactive compound with antioxidant properties and also anti-inflammatory properties according to Dr. Ascension Marcos, president of Fesnad (Spanish Federation of Nutrition, Food and Dietetic Societies).

e) Diseases of the gums:

According to new studies published in the journal ACS (Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry) extracts of blueberries could prevent the formation of dental plaque, preventing inflammation of the gums and the development of oral problems such as gingivitis and periodontitis.

f) Infarctions:

According to Aedin Cassidy of the University of East Anglia in Norwich (United Kingdom) young people who consume blueberries regularly may have a lower risk of suffering a heart attack at a later age.

Other studies published in the journal Applied Physiology, Nutrition and Metabolism showed that regular consumption of blueberries could prevent cardiovascular disease and improve the condition of people suffering from such diseases.

g) Diabetes:

Studies published by Applied Physiology, Nutrition and Metabolism indicated that regular consumption of cranberries prevents the onset of diabetes disease.

h) Erectile dysfunction:

Different studies published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition showed that consumption of blueberries and other natural products rich in flavonoids, such as anthocyanin reduces the risk of suffering erectile dysfunction, especially in men over 70 years.

i) Other benefits:

It is currently believed that consumption of cranberries may have benefits in the fight against cancer, respiratory infections and ear infections. However, more research needs to be done to demonstrate these assumptions.

k) Contraindications

Blueberries, like any fruit or vegetable, contain fibre, vitamins, antioxidants and minerals. All of them have numerous health benefits, but we must bear in mind that excessive consumption of blueberries can cause certain intestinal imbalances.

3. How to eat blueberries?

Blueberries can be eaten in many ways; fresh, stuffed, frozen or in jam or jam.

Fresh Blueberries: Wild fresh blueberries can be found with great difficulty only in early summer. Cultivated blueberries can be found in grocery stores throughout the summer. Eating them fresh would be the healthiest way.

Dried or frozen blueberries: This would be another option that provides great comfort. However, the blueberry would lose some organoleptic and nutritional properties.

Cranberries in jam, jam or other preserves: In this way, the cranberries would be processed and combined with other products, combining the cranberries with other products; olives, sugar, raw honey, and so on.

In our shop specializing in olive oil and raw honey, you can also find some products with blueberries: blueberry jam, olives stuffed with blueberries and raw honey with blueberries.

Photo 1: Elasun blueberry jam

4. How many calories do blueberries have?

Blueberries are a low-calorie fruit with a lot of health benefits. For every 100 grams of blueberries we eat only 30, 1 calories in our body.

Here is a table with the composition of blueberries per 100 g

Calories 30.1
Carbohydrates 6.9 g
Fiber 1.8 g
Potassium 88 mg
Magnesium 0.50 mg
Provitamin A 12 mcg
Vitamin C 17 mg
Vitamin E  mg

mcg: micrograms



Página web del Ministerio de Agricultura, Medio ambiente y Alimentación: Properties of blueberries.

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