campo lleno de flores silvestres

The dramatic situation of honey producers in Spain

There is no end to the dramatic situation for beekeeping worldwide. Each year is no better than the last, and beekeepers are anxiously waiting for a solution to the many problems they have been facing for decades. Problems ranging from the health…
the best denominations of origin in Spain

The 5 best Denominations of Origin of Olive Oil

The best Denominations of Origin of extra virgin olive oil that we have in Spain. This selection has been made according to the most demanding criteria of quality, good treatment, variety and good service. After many years working with a large…
Olivos de Porcuna en Jaén

Olive tree care in spring

With the arrival of the gentle rays of spring, the lengthening of the hours of sunshine and the first rains, the countryside undergoes an explosion of colour and liveliness. The olive tree recovers its strength and wakes up from its winter lethargy.…
Mild or intense olive oil

Mild or intense olive oil

The taste and aroma of extra virgin olive oil depends mainly on its freshness and variety. The other factors that influence its strongest or most intense taste are the water conditions suffered by the olive tree and the time of milling. Extra…
table olives

Most common varieties of olives in Spain

All olive trees produce olives, but each variety of olive has different fat yields, size, aromas and texture. All of them can be used to produce table olives and olive oil. However, the olive varieties with the highest fat yield are normally…
pollen from Mediterranean forest

The Mediterranean forest and its flora

The Mediterranean basin, the entire basin bordering the Mediterranean Sea, has unique climatic conditions. This is where an autochthonous flora, known as Mediterranean forest, develops. In Spain, this Mediterranean forest is found in the eastern…
Campo de olivos en primavera

Olive tree care: Irrigation

Irrigation is an agricultural practice that consists of pouring water on the crop. The purpose of this agricultural practice is to increase yields considerably and in many cases it makes crops viable in places where they would not be viable…
flowers for honey production, in order to save the bees

Flowers for honey

Fantastic selection of plants and trees for bees that can be found in Spain and other Mediterranean countries. This compilation, called here flowers for honey, provide very nutritious food for our bees. Furthermore, you can also plant them…
Miel de lavanda de 500 g de Apícola Moreno

Honey makes you fat: myth or reality?

Nowadays, nutritionists are now blaming the overweight of people on sugars. However, bee honey  is a natural product made up mainly of fructose and glucose, two types of sugar. Furthermore, high quality honey contains nutrients, such as antioxidants,…
Melipona bee

Melipona honey is becoming extinct

The melipona bee, a native bee from Central America, produces melipona raw honey. A honey that is very scarce and sought after in Europe for different issues. Similarly, the melipona bee, as our melifera bee, is dying out in their origin countries…