como cuidar al medio ambiente

How to take care of the environment and bees?

Caring for the environment, preserving our nature and reducing our consumption and pollution should be everyone's objectives, as we all live on the same planet. These are some of the fundamentals that are being imposed on our society, which…
Brihuega, un pueblo de Guadalajara

Lavender fields in Guadalajara

The beautiful lavender fields of Brihuega, located in the province of Guadalajara, very close to Madrid, are a marvellous place to visit once in a lifetime. In summer, the fields turn the earth purple in contrast to the blue of the sky. All…
polinización de las flores

History, bees and pollination

Honeybees are the pollinators of one third of all plant foods consumed worldwide. More than 80% of the plants grown for food, around 400 species need bees and other pollinators in order to be fertilised. Apart from pollinating our agricultural…
laboratorioa para la adulteración de la miel

The adulteration of honey, the adsorbent resin

Common products like milk, olive oil and honey are the top manipulated foods in the world. Although, the fraudulent honey is not a direct threat to public health, it is a unfair practices. There are clear adulterations, which any connoisseur…
controlar a la varroa de una forma natural

The best way to control the varroa without harming the bees

Varroa, for beekeepers, means huge population losses and a drop in the profitability of their farms. Beekeepers have to control the varroa to avoid running out of bees. Current acaricides have been used to control varroa, but this mite is becoming…
abeja recolectando polen

Reasons to consume Royal Jelly

Royal jelly is a fantastic food provided by bees. In the hive, it is only consumed by the queen bee, and this makes her live up to 3 years, compared to the rest that do not live more than three months. In humans, its consumption provides us…
Hoja del Árbol de paulownia

The Paulownia honey, new in Europe, millenary in China

Paulownia honey is a honey that has been produced for millennia in Asia and Australia. However, it only became known in Spain a few years ago with the first plantations of this spice. The honey has unique characteristics and the taste is said…
Arpa para eliminar la varroa

A new chemical-free system for removing bee varroa

Beekeeping and the entire raw honey sector are looking for solutions to save bees. Losses of 5% or 10% of the hives have become more than 50%. Both small researchers and large universities are investing resources to find a solution to this pressing…
Situación de cáncer de próstata

How to prevent prostate cancer

Prostate cancer is the most widespread type of cancer in men. It even has a higher incidence and death rate than breast cancer in women. However, we can prevent it or at least delay it as long as possible. To do this, we must follow a healthy…
Botellas con aceite de oliva

Benefits of hydroxytyrosol, an oil compound

Extra virgin olive oil. is a fantastic product for its uses and properties, but today we are going to focus on one of its components, hydroxytyrosol. This is another of the valuable components found in quality extra virgin olive oils. A compound…