Pollen refers to pollen from plants collected by bees. This product should not be confused with bee bread, which is the same pollen but fermented with enzymes and saliva of the bees.

The best selection of beepollen.


  1. pollen composition
  2. General properties of pollen
  3. How to consume pollen?
  4. More information


Other interesting studies: Polle. properties. Bee pollen

1. Our pollen

First of all, we have the most important characteristics of our pollen:

a) Area of production

Product from beehives located in different parts of Spain; Cadiz, Guadalajara and Madrid.

b) Beekeepers committed to quality.

In addition, all our beekeepers are committed to quality and care for the environment and the bees.

Also, in this video we can see in close-up some of the pollen we sell in our store.

c) Differences between pollen and bee bread

This product should not be confused with bee bread, which is the same pollen but fermented with enzymes and bee saliva. Both are a very complete food rich in nutrients, although it seems that bee pollen has more properties.

d) Gift of nature

Pollen and other products from the beehive are gifts from nature, since they are natural products that we extract without any living being suffering.

e) Development of rural areas

Likewise, our beekeepers provide employment and create wealth in their rural areas. Therefore, buying pollen in our store is supporting rural development..,

2. Pollen composition:

The pollen found in beehives is a pollen that has undergone a transformation carried out by bees, which consists of covering the pollen of the flowers with substances produced by the bees that avoid suggestion.

Pollen is a very remarkable source of food because it contains the following nutrients:

  • Amino acids: among them, we highlight the most interesting: glutamic acid, aspartic acid, leucine and lysine.
  • Carbohydrates: sugars, starch, pectin, etc.
  • Lipids:
  • Minerals: K, Na, Ca, Mg, N, P, S, Al, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Ti, Zn, etc.
  • Resins and sterols
  • Vitamins: B.C.D.E. and provitamin A
  • Enzymes and antioxidants.

3. General properties of pollen

Pollen provides us with properties and benefits due to the components it contains.

When we talk about properties, we talk about some of the benefits, we talk about the effects that have the components of the pollen found in the body. Also, in the health benefits we collect the popular wisdom and experience of many people who have had with this product.

Since the certification of beneficial properties for the health, only the laboratories of the pharmaceutical companies can give it. Laboratories, which discover the beneficial properties of products thanks to popular wisdom, because they do not create molecules, they find molecules in nature, and then investigate their properties.

4. How to consume pollen?

We recommend consuming pollen in its natural state, diluted in water or mixed with other products. The recommended dose for adults is a soup spoon not very full and for children a coffee spoon. Also, The most suitable time for consumption is fasting in the morning, a quarter of an hour before breakfast.

In adtittion, you can sprinkle pollen into smoothies, on salads,  into cool drinks, as kefir, milk, yoghurts or on any other cold foods.

5. More information

Below you will find more technical information about the pollen we sell in our shop.

“Finally, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are happy to assist you.”