Deodorants without aluminium or parabens

cuidado personal de una mujer

Deodorants are accused of causing cancer and other diseases because they contain aluminium. Similarly, other compounds such as parabens used in deodorants and other  cosmetic products are also accused of causing illnesses. However, is all this true, is it scientifically proven, and are deodorants carcinogenic? Let’s study it and give arguments to have a better concept of reality and not rely on so much self-serving campaigning to direct sales from one company to another.


  1. Deodorant use
  2. Are deodorants carcinogenic?

Summary: It seems that components of deodorants could be carcinogenic. Components that according to some researchers believe so and others do not. Also, in our shop in Las Rozas de Madrid we offer you a great variety of cosmetic products; creams, gels,…

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1. The use of deodorant

The deodorant, a beauty item that is often used daily and especially in summer, in order to eliminate the odor caused by sweat. But what is sweat, what causes the bad smell, and is it harmful to health?

Starting with the source of the sweat. The human body controls its internal temperature and cools it through the skin by expelling a clear liquid called sweat. Sweat contains mostly water and in very small quantities, mineral salts and other substances.

The bad smell does not come from sweat, which is colorless and odorless, but from the waste from the digestion of the millions of bacteria found on the surface of the skin. These bacteria feed on sweat, and when they digest it, they eliminate waste gases, causing the odor.

Photo 1: Woman using deodorant

2. Are deodorants carcinogenic?

Deodorants eliminate these unpleasant odours by killing or reducing the population of bacteria that live on the skin under the armpits. In addition, they often contain a scent to improve the odour. The problem is that many deodorants contain aluminium chlorides, parabens and other petroleum-based components that may enter the body and are associated with the development of cancer and Alzheimer’s disease. Although there are some articles that corroborate this thesis, most scientists have found no evidence that deodorant use increases the risk of these diseases or that it causes them.

On the other hand, the odour caused by sweat can also be modified, as new research from the University of Oregon indicates, by eating foods that are low in the essential nutrient choline. Therefore, eating foods low in choline, such as vegetables (cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes and carrots), fruits (strawberries, melons, pears, pineapples and bananas, and especially oranges and lemons) reduce body odour.

In addition, another study published in the journal Chemical Sense showed that people who do not eat red meat have better body odour than those who have a red meat intake.

a) Other research

Commercial deodorants list their ingredients. Among the list of active ingredients it is common to find aluminium salts, chloride, sulphate,
hydrochloride, although zinc, zirconium and other chemical compounds. The effects they have on our skin are very similar to those of facial cleansers. They contain astringents that inflame and coagulate the protein in the skin, with the aim of reducing the pores through which sweat is discharged. Aluminium also has a very negative effect on the skin.

In summary, all the above information has been taken from reliable books and blogs. Therefore, whatever decision you make, you should always consult your doctor.

3. Natural alternatives

First of all, we always recommend cleansing to combat sweat and bad odours. Therefore, a daily bath or shower is essential. Preferably in the evening. We also recommend drinking at least two litres of water a day. This will help to keep the bloodstream clean and release sweat with a lower concentration of waste products.

In the case of using a natural deodorant, a lemon cut in half and rubbed into the armpit is a fantastic idea. If you want something more elaborate and prepared, you can also find it in a health food shop or organic shop.


USA Newspaper Washington Post

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