Tomato and olive oil provide great health benefits

Properties and benefits of tomatoes

The tomato is a very versatile and delicious fruit. In summer it is the queen of the kitchen for its use in salads and gazpacho, it is also widely used to prepare fried tomato, and the best with a good extra virgin olive oil. Moreover, with…
evitar la caries dental

Let's avoid tooth decay

Tooth decay is the most common oral disease in men, affecting people of all ages, from children to adults. This is a chronic, transmissible and irreversible disease or process called karyogenesis. Cavities occur in the tooth structure due to…
tips and recommendations from Cortijuelo San Benito

Oil, honey and other tricks II

Extra virgin olive oil and raw honey are spectacular products from which we can get a lot of uses. Tricks and recommendations that we are going to give you to make your life easier and that for many common problems you always have a natural…
hipertermia para eliminar la varroa

Hyperthermia for bees: a wonderful or useless weapon

Beekeeping has a very serious problem with varroa and other diseases. They have been looking for solutions for decades. Currently it is being controlled with acaricides, i.e. chemical products. Recently, however, they have recently returned…
camuflaje de la araña cangrejo

Crab Spider Camouflage

French researchers have discovered a surprising ability of spiders to camouflage themselves simultaneously from their predators and prey, from their predators to avoid being eaten and from their prey to ambush them more easily. Despite the fact…
cuidado personal de una mujer

Deodorants without aluminium or parabens

Deodorants are accused of causing cancer and other diseases because they contain aluminium. Similarly, other compounds such as parabens used in deodorants and other  cosmetic products are also accused of causing illnesses. However, is all…
Helicobacter pylori y el aceite de oliva

A possible natural treatment against Helicobacter pylori

The latest research on extra virgin olive oil has found other benefits. A compound in this oil, Oleocanthal, has the ability to inhibit Helicobacter pylori bacteria in the stomach. Furthermore, anyone suffering from this bacterium should not…
Panales de abejas del apicultor Apícola Moreno

Tips for buying honey

Fantastic tips for buying quality pure or raw honey and how to tell the difference! You might think it's easy to find, but it's not. The honey available in many shops leaves a lot to be desired. Therefore, a few tips are essential in order…
abeja recolectando polen

Protein from honey melipone honey would be more potent than antibiotics

It has just been discovered that protein from honey from bees without a sting, have a greater capacity to destroy bacterial colonies than common antibiotics. The research was carried out by a group of researchers from the National University…
polen de abeja fresco

Bee pollen

Bee pollen is a fantastic food that everyone should eat, as it provides us with all the ingredients our body needs. It is a natural food that comes from the flowers of plants and thanks to bees, we can easily collect it. Therefore, another…