Let’s avoid tooth decay

evitar la caries dental

Tooth decay is the most common oral disease in men, affecting people of all ages, from children to adults. This is a chronic, transmissible and irreversible disease or process called karyogenesis. Cavities occur in the tooth structure due to the action of microbial deposits, mainly due to the action of the bacteria streptococcus mutans, producing a loss or demineralization of the mineral from the tooth surface, the enamel.


  1. What are caries?
  2. Onset of tooth decay
  3. Symptoms and prevention of tooth decay
  4. Pain and symptoms caused by tooth decay

Summary: Tooth decay is a very common health problem. Likewise, extra virgin olive oil, among other properties, helps us to avoid them. Finally, in our shop in Las Rozas de Madrid you have at your disposal a fantastic selection of olive oils. Oils of the best brands: Casas de Hualdo, Oro del Desierto, Oro Bailen, etc.

Other interesting articles:Do olives make olives fat?

1. What is tooth decay?

This is a chronic, transmissible and irreversible disease or process, called cariogenesis. Cavities occur in the tooth structure due to the action of microbial deposits. Primarily due to the action of the bacterium streptococcus mutans. This causes a loss or demineralisation of the mineral on the tooth surface, the enamel.

2. Start of tooth decay

The origin of this disease is due to three main factors: the host (oral hygiene, saliva and teeth); the microflora (bacterial infections) and the substrate (cariogenic diet). These three factors must include time, because this is a process that happens slowly and usually shows no symptoms, until the damage is already widespread and reaches the nerve, which is when it causes severe pain.

Our mouth harbors millions of bacteria, including lactobacilli, actinomycetes, and streptococci mutans, which combine with food pieces and saliva to form a sticky substance called plaque. The bacteria in this plaque feed on sugars and starch deposited in the mouth after a meal, and as a waste product the bacteria release organic acids, such as lactic acid.

These acids cause a demineralization of the tooth, that is, they damage it, forming holes (cavities in the teeth) that can reach the nerve and destroy the tooth.

A diet rich in carbohydrates, sugars and starch increases the risk of tooth decay. Sticky food is more harmful than non-sticky food because it sticks to teeth and attracts bacteria to form plaque.

3. Symptoms and prevention of tooth decay

Bacterial plaque begins to form 20 minutes after eating any food. It is therefore recommended to brush your teeth 20 minutes after a meal in order to eliminate it.

To prevent and eliminate plaque and reduce its harmful effects we must brush our teeth every day using toothpaste and toothbrushes that eliminate it. We can also use dental floss, with the aim of achieving a better oral cleaning. In addition, approximately every six months, although this depends on each person, we must visit a dentist to have our teeth cleaned.

Fluoride-containing toothpastes are best suited to preventing tooth decay, as fluoride neutralizes the acid attack caused by plaque. Fluoride also reduces sensitivity to heat and cold, strengthens the enamel and can remineralize the enamel.

a) Cariogenic diet:

The foods that cause the most tooth decay are chewy, sticky foods, such as sugary drinks and candy or chocolates. If you take them and can’t brush your teeth afterwards, it’s better to eat them before a meal, not afterwards, because chewing the food and consuming water can drag sticky foods off the surface of your teeth, so bacteria will have less sugars and starch to feed on.

Another way to reduce the risk of tooth decay is to drink water after eating any food, because it also reduces the concentration of sugars and starch in the mouth.

On the other hand, from the Cortijuelo we recommend replacing sugar with honey, because honey is bactericidal and will reduce the risk of suffering from cavities.

b) Extra virgin olive oil and cavities:

When we take extra virgin olive oil, we bathe the teeth with a film of oil, and this prevents the adhesion of bacteria from plaque to the enamel. In addition, caries-causing bacteria can only live in an environment rich in sugars or water, but not in the presence of oil. Therefore, extra virgin olive oil prevents plaque from sticking to the teeth, so that bacteria acid does not erode the teeth and cause cavities to form.

4. Pain and symptoms caused by tooth decay

The symptoms that occur when you have a cavity depend on the location and size of the cavity. In the early stages of tooth decay, you may not have any pain at all. You may even get some symptoms and they may disappear without warning. However, once it gets bigger, these are the pains and symptoms it may suggest:

  • Toothache
  • Tooth sensitivity
  • Mild or sharp pain when eating sweet, cold or hot foods.
  • Pain when biting down
  • Stains on the tooth

5. Recommendations for vegans

The diet promotes a higher consumption of foods rich in fibre, magnesium and vitamins C and E. Consequently, it helps us to lose weight, stabilise blood sugar and many other benefits. However, this type of diet excludes other types of foods that are essential for health. Therefore, we have to be careful with some nutrients that we must increase their intake by other mechanisms.

In the case of oral health, the vegan diet causes slightly accelerated demineralisation and a higher incidence of white spots. Also, a higher occurrence of sores and cavities.

Therefore, if you are going to follow a stricter vegan diet, we recommend that you consult a doctor you trust to avoid major problems.


El periódico La razón: http://www.larazon.es/

Revista Habanera de Investigaciones Científicas:

Página web de Colgate:

El peródico New York Times:

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