Our olive fields in Jaén

foto de un atardecer en un campo de olivos de Jaén

The extension of the olive fields in Andalusia, and especially in Jaén, does not resemble the seas of green olive trees that border almost all of its geography. World Heritage Landscapes that are worth visiting because they are of great beauty and unique in the world. People from other countries come to admire it, to taste its oils and get to know its gastronomy, culture and its people. Just thinking and remembering my childhood with the smell of the countryside makes my hair stand on end. Sensations that we want to leave in a small brushstroke with this photo album.

Moreover, this is where the best extra virgin olive oil in the world come from. One area in the world with unique characteristics that make the best oils come from here. Therefore, we encourage you to dive in and discover more of this fantastic land of Spain.


  1. Photos of olive groves in Jaén
  2. Our frequent route through Cordoba and Jaén
  3. Van Gogh’s olive groves

Summary: We tell here some of our routines and show a small photographic album of the olive groves of Jaén and Córdoba. Also, we have in our shop in Las Rozas de Madrid at your disposal the best olive oils from Jaén: Oro Bailen, Castillo de Canena… Sierra de CazorlaPriego de Córdoba, etc.

Other interesting articles: Characteristics of olive oil

1. Collection of olive oil from Jaén and Córdoba

One of the opportunities I don’t miss every moment I can is to walk through the olive groves, enjoy them and take photos. Consequently, I enjoy these impressive landscapes that Jaén and other areas of Spain offer us. After one of these visits, I made this photographic compilation. Also, you can find in other articles of the web page more photos that I have been taking. Morover, I will continue taking in the future.

First of all, this is a photo of the olive groves of Jaén and in the background we have the village of Porcuna. The village is more diffuse because of a small fog that borders it. Also, as in all villages with tradition, the big bell tower of the church stands out.

Picture 1: Olive groves of Porcuna

This other photo was also taken in Porcuna, which is a little further to the left, but it does not appear. In this photo you can see in the background the clouds coming from the last front that swept the whole peninsula a day ago.

Photo 2: Olivos de Jaén.

In the following picture you can see how loaded the olive trees were, an olive that not long ago was as small as the head of a pin, for the long summer they have gone through.

Photo 3: Olive tree loaded with olives

Here we have another photos at sunset where you can see the olive groves and the beautiful greenery that cover the soil. What I like most about this photograph are the shadows created by the small mountains at sunset.

Photo 4: Sunset in the olive groves

a) Sunset photos

This view that is immortalized by my camera enchanted me. It was taken less than an hour after the sun left us. Furthermoe, in it we can observe the last rays of sunshine that cover the olive trees and the greenish color of the grass.

Photo 5: Sunset in Jaén

This last photo was one of the first I took, of a field with a great inclination. Just behind the olive tree is the village of Porcuna.

Photo 6: Olive grove field in the early afternoon.

2. Our route through olive fields from Jaén and Córdoba

At the beginning of December 2016 I went, as I do every year, to collect the extra virgin olive oil of the new harvest. We highly recommend this oil, as it is a cloudy oil with an olive green colour and aroma. It also has a spectacular fresh taste.

At the end of the year and beginning of the following year is the time when the olives are harvested and crushed to obtain the extra virgin olive oil. Our extra virgin olive oil from Jaén. The tendency is to pick it when the olives are green in order to obtain higher quality oils. Furthermore, by the end of the year or the beginning of the following year, they are all mostly lampante oils. On others words, olilve oil of low quality.

a) Stops on my journey

My first stop after leaving Madrid was Porcuna, Jaén. That is where I spent the night. The next day before dawn I took the car to explore other parts of Andalusia in search of Spain’s best extra virgin olive oils. After leaving Porcuna, I headed for Montoro, not taking the Andalusian motorway. However,  secondary roads, in order to enjoy the wonderful landscapes of olive groves that cover Jaén and Córdoba. In this first destination, I was able to buy some high quality honeys, honey from Montoro and to see the facilities of the beekeeper Lorenzo, from whom I buy the honey.

Afterwards, I went to my second destination, Priego de Córdoba. The aim was to buy extra virgin olive oil from the cooperative La Purísima. During this journey, although I paid great attention to the GPS, I ended up getting lost. The cooperative is quite badly located and I always forget which road to take.

My last stop was Baena, another of the municipalities where I get my olive oil, exactly from the cooperative of German Baena. Here I also get the spectacular cheeses from Los Peña, a small goatherd who himself produces and sells his own cheeses. I always ask him to give me goat’s milk, and although I have been working with him for years, he has not yet supplied me with it.

The most beautiful and relaxing part of my trip took place in the afternoon in the municipality of Porcuna. Here, I was able to visit the olive fields and walk through them. An act of great relaxation and enjoyment, where the good weather accompanied me and where I was able to take the following photos.

3. Van Gogh’s olive fields

Van Gogh’s paintings of olive fields are well known in the arts. You can find all of them on the internet.


Página web de Turismo de Jaén  Olive fields of Andalusia.

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