Daily routine skincare

daily care for healthy skin

Keeping skin young and healthy requires daily care ranging from a good diet to the frequent use of natural cosmetic products. On the contrary, if we don’t take care of ourselves, it is clear that we will accelerate our ageing, which manifests itself in the loss of firmness, elasticity, the appearance of pores, uneven tone and texture, wrinkles… I particularly like to use products that are as natural as possible, and for this reason I often make my own cosmetics. Another point that I pay a lot of attention to is nutrition, an indispensable part of protecting our skin.


  1. Tips for perfect daily routine skincare
  2. Diet and skin care
  3. Dr. Horst Schmidt expert on skin diseases
  4. Your daily skincare program
  5. Which products do we need for our daily skin care?
  6. Some recommended remedies

Summary: Having youthful, smooth skin is not just a matter of using creams and other cosmetic products. A good diet is also important. Also, in our shop in Las Rozas de Madrid we offer you a wide selection of natural cosmetic products: creams, soaps, etc.

Other interesting articles: Castillo de Peñalver, fantastic cosmetics.

1. Tips for perfect daily routine skincare

The skin is the largest and most visible organ of our body. It has a surface area of between 1.5 and 2 square metres and weighs about 10 kilos. The skin’s function is to act as a barrier against ultraviolet rays, bacteria, viruses and other hostile external agents in the environment. It also regulates body temperature and recognises both internal pains and external bodies by touch. Therefore, maintaining healthy and youthful skin is not only necessary for a beautiful appearance, it is also essential.

2. Nutrition and skin care

Let’s start with a subject that most natural cosmetics companies do not deal with and which is the most important one. If we want to keep our skin younger, healthier and healthier, it is essential that we take care of our diet.

Therefore, the nutrients that our skin needs are the following:

  • Fats
  • Proteins
  • Amino acids
  • Vitamin C and E
  • Beta-carotenes
  • Antioxidants
  • Minerals such as selenium and zinc

The food we eat ends up in our bloodstream, and some of it is distributed to the cells that make up our skin.

nails and olive oil

Photo 1: Extra virgin olive oil, an essential fatty substance

Daily skin care is therefore not only about using creams, but also about eating well on the inside.

3. Dr. Horst Schmidt, expert for skin diseases

In an interview with the German newspaper “Die Welt”, skin disease expert and director of the dermatology and allergy clinic Helios Dr. Horst Schmidt in Wiesbaden, Christiane Bayerl and Gabriele Graf, director of the consumer office in Düsseldorf. They give us an overview of the benefits of many of the foods and substances we eat.

According to them, we should drink enough water, both tap water and bottled water, to hydrate the inner layer of the skin, improve its turgor and elasticity. This will also improve blood circulation and metabolism.

Vitamin A is necessary for the renewal of skin cells and can be obtained from milk, carrots and fish. Vitamin C plays a role in controlling skin moisture and is found in citrus fruits and strawberries.

Vitamins E and B play an important role in skin renewal, especially for the healing of wounds and scratches. These vitamins are found in different products such as wholemeal bread, vegetables, milk and dairy products.

Calcium, magnesium and zinc are super elements necessary to form the structure of the skin. They are mainly found in vegetables, cereals, meat and dairy products. However, we must be careful with excessive zinc intake, as too much zinc can lead to hair loss. Therefore, if you are going to take a zinc supplement, it is advisable to consult your doctor first.

In addition to vitamins, minerals and water, the skin also needs protein and fat. Proteins and their amino acids are necessary to moisturise the skin. These are found in egg whites, milk, dairy products, legumes, lentils, beans, fish and meat. We must be careful with the abuse of egg whites, as some bodybuilders do, as it can lead to acne on the skin.

Fat is essential

Fat is essential in order to supply the skin with fat-soluble vitamins, which can only be transported by fat. Fats should be mainly monounsaturated and unsaturated, such as those contained in extra virgin olive oil. In addition, the consumption of hamburgers, industrial fries and sausages should be avoided.

Finally, the two expert dermatologists conclude: “The skin in particular is a reflection of a person’s physical and mental state, regardless of age. In addition, we benefit our body and skin a great deal if we get enough sleep, avoid stress and UV rays as much as possible and eat a balanced and healthy diet.

productos naturales con lavanda

Photo 2: Castillo de Peñalver cosmetic products.

4. Your daily skincare program

Apart from the importance of food, another thing we should do is to avoid staying up late at night, alcohol and smoking, as all these factors accelerate the ageing of the skin and our organism in general.

Taking into account the diet, and healthy lifestyle habits to keep our body strong on the inside. Now we focus on daily skin care on the outside.

The first thing to keep in mind is that taking care of our body and skin requires effort and consistency. It is more worthwhile to take care of yourself every day a little bit, than to look for wonders in a few days.

basket with olive oil cosmetic products

Photo 3: Gift basket with natural cosmetic products for daily skin care.

5. What products do we need for our daily skin care

We should not be fooled by television advertisements or miracle products. The best option is to use natural cosmetic products that are more effective for the skin in the medium and long term. It is important that we read the ingredients of the cosmetic products we buy and that they are as natural as possible.

The most important secret of which product to buy is experimentation. Each skin is different and each skin is best suited to a different type of cream.

How to cleanse our skin

The steps to follow are as follows:

  1. The first thing to do is to hold your hair in place with a bandage, scarf or towel so that the hair does not cause any discomfort.
  2. Then, apply the cream or other cosmetic products on the skin of the face. Afterwards, if you have make-up, you should remove it completely.
  3. The third step is to apply the regenerating, moisturising or anti-wrinkle cream with both hands all over the face, with emphasis on the lips and nose. Then, with your fingertips, gently tap your face from the bottom upwards and from the centre outwards.

Over 30s

On the other hand, if you are over 30, you should take special care of the parts of your face where the first wrinkles tend to form, around the eyes and on the edges of the lips.

Finally, clean your nails and hands so that no traces of cream or make-up remain on your nails.

With all this daily care, our skin will be grateful and we will keep our youth for many years.

6. Some recommended remedies

After searching in books, talking to people involved in natural treatments and blogs on these subjects, I have found some remedies to fight against wrinkles on the skin. We would also like to remind you that we are not doctors, therefore, these recipes are based on natural products and are recommendations. Consequently, you can always ask your trusted doctor to solve your ageing problems:

First remedy:

Prepare a mixture with aspirin and honey for peeling. For this we need 5 aspirin, 15 grams of honey and natural yoghurt without sugar.

Second remedy:

This other remedy consists of massaging the skin with infusion of electric flower, Spilantes oleracea in its scientific name.


The German newspaper Die welt: Daily care we should take of our skin. http://www.welt.de/

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