The Honey of Tenerife is from bees that live and forage the island of Tenerife, one of the Canary Islands. Furthermore, Tenerife is one of the purest places of Spain.

The best selection of honeys from Tenerife.


  1. Our raw honey from Tenerife
  2. Where to buy honey from Tenerife?
  3. Price of honey from Tenerife


Other interesting studies: Where to buy high-quality raw honey?

1. Types of honey from Tenerife

Firstly, we show you the most important characteristics of honeys from Tenerife:

a) Unique honeys

Tenerife honeys also have unique characteristics, which are only produced on this island.

b) Harmony with the natural environment

Our beekeepers also work in total harmony with the natural environment, seeking the highest quality.

a) Honeys from Tenerife:

In Tenerife we have a great variety of monofloral honeys. Among the most common varieties, we have the following:

  • Avocado
  • Barrel
  • Heather
  • Chestnut
  • Fennel
  • Malpica
  • Melada
  • Multyflowers
  • Pitera
  • Pennyroyal
  • Relinchón
  • Teide broom
  • Tajinaste
  • Tedera

Table 1: Types of honeys from Tenerife

These are the varieties, but depending on the climatology of each year, we will have one or the other.

b) Climatology of Teide

Tenerife, due to its enormous climatic diversity, as we pass from a coastal climate to a high altitude climate. In addition, it is home to a large number of microclimates where an enormous multitude of different plants develop. For this reason there is a great diversity of monofloral honeys here.

Tenerife is home to the great Teide volcano and the mountain ranges that run through all the Canary Islands. These high reliefs contain the highest peak in Spain, 3718 meters above sea level.

These geographical features and great variations in height cause enormous contrasts in temperature and different climates within the same island. Here we find from a desert climate in the coastal area, subtropical climates in the foothills of the mountains to volcanic landscapes in the volcanic cone of the volcano. In this last zone is the Teide National Park.

This wide range of climates and the protection of these passages by the Teide National Park, provides magnificent conditions for the development of beekeeping. As a consequence, unique honeys are obtained which are protected by the Honey of Tenerife Denomination of Origin.

Video 1: Teide

In short, here you have a video where you can see the island of Teide and its landscapes.

c) Our beekeeper in Tenerife

In addition, we summarize all the monofloral honeys that our beekeeper of the brand Rika can supply us with. However, we only have a few each year, as he does not produce all the varieties each year.

  • Avocado honey: Harvested in spring and comes from the coastal areas of the island.
  • Barilla honey: This is a wild plant with white and pink flowers. It also produces a honey in spring and summer with a creamy texture and a mild and very pleasant aroma, from which caustic soda is extracted.
  • Heather honey: A spring honey that we also have in Tenerife.
  • Chestnut honey from Tenerife: A summer honey.
  • Fennel honey: A summer honey with a dark amber colour and hints of liquorice.
  • Malpica honey: Malpica is a plant that grows at an altitude of 1200 metres and above. It is one of the most popular honeys in Tenerife.
  • Multifloral honey: Teide’s multifloral honey is different every year, depending on the flowers that the bees have pollinated. For this reason, this honey will vary each year in its colour, aroma and sensations in the mouth.
  • Miel de pitera: A summer honey with an amber, dark amber colour. Its aroma has a toasted touch.
  • Pennyroyal honey: A summer honey from Bystropogon Origanifolius.
  • Relinchón de Tenerife honey: A summer honey that crystallises very quickly with sulphur notes.
  • Tenerife broom honey: The broom grows at an altitude of 1500 metres and the honey that comes from this plant has nothing to do with the broom of the peninsula.
  • Tajinaste honey: Tajinaste honey has a very light amber colour and is usually crystallised. Moreover, its aroma is not very intense floral with aromatic-balsamic nuances of medium persistence, with a creamy consistency.
  • Thedera honey, Aspalthum Bituminosum: Thedera is a kind of clover. This honey is also obtained in spring.

Depending on the year, this beekeeper can also supply us with other varieties of unique honey.

d) Nature’s gift

Honey is also a product that is obtained from nature without any living beings suffering.

e) Rural development

Likewise, our beekeeper creates wealth and employment in these rural areas of Spain. Therefore, buying their honey is a way of helping rural areas.

2. Where to buy honey from Tenerife?

Tenerife honey is difficult to find, as it is difficult to bring to the peninsula by customs and tariffs. Therefore, there are very few shops that bother and bring these honeys so spectacular and unique.

However, in our shop in Las Rozas in Madrid you have at your disposal Tenerife honey.

3. Price of honey from Tenerife

The price of honey from Tenerife is usually much higher than the rest of the honeys from Spain. There are two main reasons for this.

Firstly, honey from Tenerife is in great demand and its production is very scarce, which has the effect of increasing its price.

Another reason for higher prices is due to customs problems. Since the Canary Islands are part of the Spanish territory, it is not easy to bring them to the peninsula, as they have to go through customs clearance and high over-added costs.

“Finally, for more information, please do not hesitate to contact us. Consequently, we are happy to help you”.