The Albaida honey, is a natural product that is elaborated by bees from the flowers of the Albaida (Anthyllis cytisoides). A soft and very delicate honey that is very popular!

Selection of high-quality albaida honeys from Spanish local beekeepers.


  1. Our raw Albaida honey
  2. Benefits and properties
  3. Recommendations
  4. Indications
  5. Origin


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1. Our raw Albaida honey 

Firstly, here is a important characteristics of honey of albaida:

a) Color

Raw albaida honey has tones that vary from light amber to an amber with a more reddish hints. Also, in the photo below you can see the range of colours of this honey.

Picture 1: Colour of the albaida honey

b) Aroma

In tasting it is appreciated a sweet and soft aroma with little persistence.

c) The albaida plant

Likewise, the Albaida, the “Anthyllis cytisoides” in its scientific name, belonging to the family Fabáceae. Furhermore, it is a small shrub that does not usually exceed one metre in height and that grows all along the Mediterranean coastline.

d) Flowering and harvesting

Albaida flowers in spring, although it may shorten to lengthen depending on rainfall and temperature of the Spring. Therefore, its flowering can be prolonged for months or take a few weeks. As a consequence, this honey is one of the first to be harvested.

Video 1: Albaida Flowers

In addition, here is a video where you can also see the flowers of the albaida shrub.

e) Pollen

In order to be considered albaida honey, it must contain at least 45 % of Anthyllis cytisoides flowers.

Below you can also see a microscope picture of the pollen spectrum of this honey.

polen de albiada

Picture 2: pollen spectrum of albaida pollen

f) Care for the environment

Our beekeeper is also committed to caring for the environment.

g) Support for the rural environment

We also obtain these honeys from local beekeepers, who use sustainable and respectful beekeekping practices.

2. Benefits and properties 

Studies suggest that that regular consumption of raw honey provide many health benefits. The reasons of these properties is because this honey has bactericidal, antiseptic and healing properties due to its low moisture content and its peroxidax enzymes. This enzymes produce hydrogen peroxide, a great desiccant.

Moreover, components of Albaida pollen and nectar may provide antiasthmatic effects and digestive properties.

3. Recommendations 

Subsequently, we recommend this honey for those who are looking for very soft and delicate flavours in theirs foods. That is to say, this is one of the least intense raw honeys.

We recommend honey of Albaida for desserts and sweets, such as biscuits, muffins and rice pudding.

4. Indications

The crystallization of this honey is fast and crystallizes with a very fine grain size.

5. Origin

Our honey from Albaida is supplied by a beekeeper from Valencia.

Sala Higón Valencia No organic

Tabl 1: Our beekeepers

All our products have passed strict quality controls. We are familiar with your packaging rooms and ask you to analyse the honeys you sell.

6. FAQ

In addition, these areg the most frequent asked questions:

  • Is this honey smooth?

Yes, this is one of the smoothest honeys we have available.

If you have any question more, you can call us or write us.

7. More information:

Here are chemical parameters that any albaida honey must have.

Chemical parameters
Colour (mm Pfund) Maximum 40 Humidity (%). Max. 18 Fructose + glucose: Minimum 60
Sucrose: Maximum 5 Electrical conductivity (mS/cm): minimum 0.3 Free acidity (meq/kg): Maximum 50
HMF (mg/Kg = ppm): Maximum 40 Diastasases (Schade Units): Minimum 8

Table 2: Directive 110/2001 EC, RD 1049/2003 in Spain

In short, a unique Spanish honey with unique characteristics and spectacular taste. Therefore, with our products you take care of yourself, you take care of the planet and you support rural areas.

“Moreover, if you need more information, you can contact us. Above all else, we will be happy to help you”.