Benefits of royal jelly

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Many of the benefits of royal jelly are scientifically proven, others have yet to be demonstrated. There are even components of this product that have not yet been isolated. Similarly, jelly is a fantastic food that we should take two or three months of the year, because of the many benefits it brings to our health. It is therefore a very interesting food supplement to add to our routines.


  1. What is royal jelly?
  2. Properties and benefits of royal jelly
  3.  Extraction of royal jelly
  4. Where to buy royal jelly?
  5. Taking royal jelly on an empty stomach

Summary: Royal jelly is a fantastic product that is made by the bees themselves. Royal jelly provides us with a large number of health benefits. You can also buy fresh royal jelly in our shop in Las Rozas de Madrid. You can also buy the largest variety of honey in Spain (heather honey, eucalyptus, thyme honey…) and Europe, propolis and wax.

Other interesting articles: Where to buy honey? Raw unpasteurised honey. The 5 best honeys.

1. What is royal jelly?

Royal Jelly is a yellowish-white, semi-fluid substance from the secretion of the hypopharyngeal glands and mandibular glands of worker bees from five to fourteen days of age. The labial glands also seem to be involved in the formation of royal jelly.

Royal jelly is given in the first days to their larvae, or throughout life to the queens. Queen bees fed royal jelly throughout their lives, with genetics equal to those of their workers, live up to 3 years compared to workers who live about 40 days. In addition, queen bees grow larger and are capable of laying thousands of eggs.

2. Properties and benefits of royal jelly:

Royal jelly is a whitish yellowish colour with a creamy and very acidic texture that contains an infinite number of beneficial properties for our health. In addition, the latest research has certified other properties.

  • Anti-cancer
  • Blood system
  • Benefits on the skin
  • Antibacterial
  • Nutrient-rich
  • Infertility
  • Colesterol
  • Good for brain

Table 1: Benefits of royal jelly

In greater depth, these are the benefits of royal jelly:

a) Anti-cancer properties:

According to a study published in 2009 by the review “Complementary and alternative Medicine”, royal jelly fights the emergence of carcinogenic tumours by suppressing the blood supply to tumours. When Japanese researchers tested various types of royal jelly on tissue cultures of the umbilical vein, all of them inhibited blood vessel formation, especially that royal jelly rich in caffeic acid.

In addition, another study conducted in 2007 and published in the journal Bioscience, Biochemistry and Biotechnology indicated that royal jelly may reduce the risk of breast cancer because royal jelly can block bisphenol A or BPA, an environmental estrogen that induces the growth of cancer cells.

b) Improves the health of the blood system

A study published in November 2008 in the Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin showed that royal jelly can improve insulin resistance and blood pressure. The researchers fed rats that suffered from high blood pressure and high insulin resistance due to their high fructose diet. After two months of royal jelly, the rats showed significantly fewer cases of blood vessel constriction, resulting in lower levels of triglycerides and insulin in the blood.

c) Properties for the skin

Although royal jelly is well known as a food supplement, it is used in cosmetic products for its DNA and gelatine content, two ingredients that stimulate collagen production, achieving skin rejuvenation and hydration. For this reason, royal jelly is used so frequently in cosmetics. Fresh jelly can also be applied directly to the skin.

d) Antibacterial properties

According to a study published in 1990 in the Journal of Biological Chemistru, the proteins found in royal jelly provide numerous antibacterial and antimicrobial properties.

e) Rich in nutrients

In royal jelly, 20 different types of proteins have been identified, including essential amino acids. In addition, royal jelly contains most of the B vitamins, vitamins A, C and E, and iron and calcium minerals, important antioxidants and other components not yet identified.

f) Infertility treatment

Royal jelly stimulates the production of estrogen, thus stabilizing the menstrual cycle in women, improving the morphology of male sperm, and increasing libido in both sexes.

g) Cholesterol control

A study published in 2007 by the Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology showed that royal jelly lowers low-density cholesterol, the so-called bad cholesterol.

h) Brain stimulation and Alzheimer’s:

Royal jelly contains acetylcholine. Acetylcholine is a neurotransmitter found in the brain, spinal cord, and areas of the nervous system. It regulates memory and is necessary for the transmission of signals between nerve cells. This compound is associated with improved memory, ease of reasoning and cognitive function. Royal jelly therefore stimulates intellectual abilities and is indicated for people suffering from Alzheimer’s disease and for students.

Photo 1: Bee caring for a larvae

4. Where to buy royal jelly?

Royal jelly can be bought in different formats and states: freeze-dried, in capsules or fresh.

Lyophilized: Lyophilized royal jelly is usually mixed with honey and sold as honey with royal jelly. Freeze-drying is a process where all the water is extracted from the product by freezing the product and then subjected to very low pressure to pass from a solid to a gaseous state by means of the sublimation state. With this process some properties of royal jelly can be lost.

Capsules: royal jelly in capsules is found in pharmacies, herbalists and large supermarkets. Here, royal jelly is also treated and loses some of its properties.

Fresh: it would be the best way to consume royal jelly, a state in which it retains all its properties. You can find fresh royal jelly in honey and herbal shops.

In our physical shop in Las Rozas de Madrid you can find fresh royal jelly. Currently we only sell it in our physical store.

Take the royal jelly on an empty stomach

The most appropriate time to take royal jelly is freshly woken up, about 20 minutes before breakfast. However, if it is taken at any time of the day it is also very beneficial, but what is achieved by taking it on an empty stomach is that the royal jelly goes directly into the bloodstream.

It is recommended to take it as half a fingernail and place it under the tongue until it is absorbed by the blood supply.

Royal jelly is a very acidic product, so if we try to swallow it it it could cause us to gag.

5. Taking royal jelly on an empty stomach

The best time to take royal jelly is just after waking up, about 20 minutes before breakfast. However, if taken at any time of the day it is also very beneficial, but what is achieved by taking it on an empty stomach is that the royal jelly goes directly into the bloodstream.

It is recommended to take about half a fingernail and place it under the tongue until it is absorbed into the bloodstream.

Royal jelly is a very acidic product, so if you try to swallow it, you may gag.


Newspaper 20 minutos: Benefits of royal jelly.

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